A School with a difference...

Affiliated to University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Yagappa School provides quality education using State of Art technology; International facility and environment with experienced faculty guiding and nourishing young minds to learn, grow and live with independence!

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Yagappa School builds confidence, self esteem and helps in achieving the goals set by our children.

Yagappa School adheres to the Golden words of Rudolf Steiner, an Australian philosopher

"To receive the child in gratitude from the world they come from, to educate the child with love and to lead the child into the true freedom which belongs to mankind"

It is our endeavour to inculcate in our loved ones confidence, independence, excellence and eminence, thus an all-round personality.

Our primary aim is develop in our children, qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and compassion.

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Admissions Open 2021-2022  Read more..
